Suicide isn't cowardly. I'll tell you what is cowardly; treating people so badly that they want to end their lives- Ashley Purdy

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Just a nightly post. Getting my thoughts out

     Ok, I'm tired of this. 38% of girls that got pregnant younger than 18 actually graduate high school. I'm angry! I don't know why but I feel so angry right now. What about with the 62%?? Why didn't they graduate?.. What made them stop?.. At this point on the more I see this and the more comments I get from random people saying I ruined my life, is really affecting me ! I have all these goals and ambitions BUT what if I drop out? What if this all becomes to hard? I wanted to have a good life.. I wanted to go to college and be a mortician ! Do something with my life. How do I juggle all things at once? Why did this happen to me?
     I'm not saying I hate this baby, I'm not in any way regretting it. And I know for a fact I won't hold it against for what I've lost on my life. But.. It all comes down to why me? You understand? I wanted nothing more than to impress my parents.. I wanted to show my family I was really something ! And now? What do I do? How do I grow up to be a good mom ? I was stilL trying to figure myself out and now I have to care for another human . As a kid I would watch shows of girls my age now getting pregnant, they would abort thief child, and me as a kid would say, "she should have just kept the baby, what she did was horrible." When really their is so much more going on through their heads!
     I will change that percentage, not by a lot but at least a little.. I will graduate. And all while raising a kid. I can't quit now. Who said my life was over ? Maybe it just started. I don't want to be seen as a statistic. I wanna be seen as someone who is trying. Who didn't quit. Who didn't give in to this crap. I love this little human inside me! And I love myself. I'm learning and I have a lot to go. But trust me when I say I'm gonna try because I've been watching movies and shows (like baby daddy) just to show me how much I have coming. Please don't underestimate young mothers. I believe most of the time girls doubt themselves in these situations is because People tell them they can't. They need support. They need love. Please don't leave us alone. 

From your scared teenager .