Suicide isn't cowardly. I'll tell you what is cowardly; treating people so badly that they want to end their lives- Ashley Purdy

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Pregnancy update

You or whoever , hello. *waves hand*
Lol ok, I don't know how to wrote these. Hehe , but I'm officially 12 weeks pregnant and well I ripped a pair of jeans today. Oh goodie! I feel really bloated , I decided to eat some Doritos *sigh*
Oh this is a really big picture! XD well anywho , ew that made me bit nauseous. So really my pregnancy has been nothing but throwing up occasionally , feeling nauseous and um yea throwing up. But ! I was in Mexico for a whole week. It was great I saw everyone.. Except .. I couldn't eat.. I couldn't eat tortillas .. I cried , I really did cry for tortillas. I can't chips anymore.. Only this time but I know they're gonna go down my toilet any second now! And that picture is making it worse. I've been craving fruit a lot, it's always just oh bring me grapes or mangos or strawberrys . Hehe healthy baby I got down there! I hope. Well let's see .. Im really tired all the time like I can't control it! I sleep anywhere ! I can sleep a good three days of my mom let me XD but she won't. But overall I was really depressed about this pregnancy and would cry myself to sleep.. But hearing all my aunts say it's a blessing well I'm starting to feel a lot better! It's just still hard.. I don't want to be stressed out and depressed .. I want to be happy. And it sucks because everyone says all my negative thoughts and feelings are being felt by the baby.. 
Can I tell you guys a secret? ... 
Well.. I'm not entirely sure about everything .. I'm not sure if I'll make it another 6 months or something. I have the most horrible thoughts and I wish I could just stop thinking about abortion but it's my only way out! .. But that's not a choice.. 
Well, speaking about feeling better! *blush* 
What else do you write on pregnancy blogs? My feet haven't swollen up yet? XD um I lose my appetite a lot. But also gain it really quickly later in the day. I throw up whenever I'm on an empty tummy. I can't eat yogurt , chips , tamales , chocolate and corn or I throw immediately . Oh and lunchables! Any type of lunchables XD well that's about it you guys.. I don't think my tummy is growing but when someone says it is I'll try and see if I get the balls to post a picture! XD 
Bye! -MaggieO 

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